




【转载】 中脉周年盛会门票使用指南



    在筹备小组兴奋而紧张的筹备中,“新中脉,新未来——中脉科技全球年会暨周年庆典”的脚步越来越近了。目前,各项筹备工作仍在紧张有序地落实当中,本次“新中脉,新未来——中脉科技全球年会暨周年庆典”,盛况空前,特色鲜明,亮点纷呈。豪车聚集,场面震撼。高科技营造绚烂舞台,LED、巨型投影幕、动人的音乐旋律、顶级的灯光舞美,奇幻绚烂的焰火……万人互动 热情激荡,一片热闹喜庆的欢乐场面,彰显出中脉人奋发向上的朝气和企业迈向成功的强大实力。



How to use the ticket correctly?


1. 持红色主会场看台区门票由入口A进入,并根据门票上所规定的区域及座位号在看台区找到自己的座位入座;

Please enter from gate A with the Y type ticket for the audience area of the main meeting place, then seat yourself according to the stated numbers for the district and seat on the ticket.


2. 持蓝色主会场看台区门票由入口A进入,再由内场特别通道进入内场,并根据门票上所规定的区域入座;

Please enter from gate B with the Z type ticket for the branch meeting place, then seat yourself at the auditorium.


3. 如果您来自海外分公司,请您先在“中脉海外人员报到”区报到,由入口B进入,再由内场特别通道进入内场,并根据门票上所规定的区域入座;

If you come from the branches abroad, please check in first in the “Registration Area for Overseas staff”, then enter from gate D, get to the infield through special access, then seat yourself according to the stated district on the ticket.

4. 如果您是尊贵的年会表彰人员(黄钻以上),请您于“中脉表彰人员报到”区报到,由入口B进入,再由内场特别通道进入内场,并根据门票上所规定的区域入座;

If you are the distinguished member to be honored at the meeting, please check in the” Registration Area for rewarding”, then enter from gate D, get to the infield through special access, then seat yourself according to the stated district on the ticket.

5. 持绿色分会场门票由入口C进入,在场内观众席就坐;

Please enter from gate C with the X type ticket for the infield of the main meeting place and get to the infield through special access, then seat yourself according to the stated district on the ticket.



The method to use the vice ticket


The admission ticket consists of 1 chief ticket and 3 vice-tickets. The three vice tickets will be used in the ways as follows:

1. 年会副券在2010年10月16日下午全球年会入场时使用,同时换取年会礼品;

The vice ticket for the annual meeting should be used at the entrance of the meeting place on the afternoon of Oct.16, 2010, and can be exchanged for a present in the meanwhile.

2. 晚餐副券在2010年10月16日晚餐时在餐厅换取一份晚餐(自己撕下交给分餐人)

The vice ticket for dinner can be exchanged for supper at the dining-room on the evening of Oct.16, 2010. (tear it off and give it to the waiter)

3. 庆典副券在2010年10月16日晚上周年庆典入场时使用,同时换取年会礼品;

The vice ticket for the Anniversary Celebration should be used at the entrance of the meeting place on the evening of Oct.16, 2010, and can be exchanged for a present in the meanwhile.



«上一篇:《中脉道和新天地》年会专刊火热征订中   下一篇:《中国直销》为迎接中脉一周年,推出中脉封面专题»

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